Fiona Burnett
0131 535 4133
Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road
Fiona is group manager for Crop and Soil Systems at SRUC as well as a Professor in Plant Pathology. She is the sector lead for Agriculture in Scotland's Plant Health Centre of Expertise. Her research interests inlcude:
- Analysis of crop protection decision-making problems
- Integrated Pest Management and pesticide stewardship
- Uptake of best practice amongst stakeholders
- Fungicide resistance and fungicide efficacy
- Crop health monitoring and surveillance
- Developing risk assessments to aid treatment decisions. Fungicide efficacy crop trial service
- Diagnostic services through our SRUC crop clinic
- Translational science and industry engagement: Chair Fungicide Resistance Action Group–UK and Association for Crop Protection in Northern Britain; Member of UK Plant Health Forum (Defra), Scottish Government Agricultural Technologies Group, British Crop Protection Council’s Diseases Working Group; Director of Scottish Quality Farm Assured Cereals Ltd, Director of the Genomia Fund; Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee for Scottish Quality Crops Ltd